Monday 26 September 2016

Halloween Costumes ❣

Well, it't only September but i am already preparing for halloween, and there is nothing no one can do to stop me. Everyone knows that Halloween is just a stupid way of companies making money, but every year, every-time, everywhere people fall in the trap of the money making scheme.... and i am no exception!

{me preparing}

Today i will be sharing my sexy, seductive costume ideas for everyone who wants to know. But first a montage of last years costume.... it was eggcellent! 

{sad egg}
{Fierce egg}

{Friendly egg}
{happy egg} 

Moving swiftly on from last year, i would now like to show my new costume ideas, i think i will be sticking with my "food" theme that i had going on last year.... so here are the foods I'm choosing from:

Number 1: Pea Costume 

This costume is just so funny and i love it!

Number 2: Bacon Costume
Considering the fact i went as a fried egg last year, bacon will just fit perfectly!

Number 3: Sunflower Costume
I know that this costume isn't a "food" but i just think it't super cute and fun!

Number 4: Banana Costume
The classing banana costume. Thats all.

Number 5: Watermelon costume
This costume just made me laugh, and who doesn't love a good watermelon? 

Number 6: Grape Costume
I was debating this costume last year but i am still unsure!

These are the six halloween costumes i am debating about. I honestly still don't know if i am even doing anything for Halloween but i just love costumes to be perfectly honest and can't wait for an excuse to buy one!

I will try keep everyone who wants to know updated on the costume i pick!

Byee for now 

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