Saturday 8 October 2016

Ru Paul's Drag Race All Stars 2 Episode 7 Ruview (Contains Spoilers)

Hello everyone, so sorry for not posting anything recently. I keep half writing posts and then deleting them as i think they are to cringe! Anyway, for now, i think i might just post All Stars 2 stuff until it finishes (hope this is okay) Anyway lets get on with the ruview!

This week the queens had to turn their family members into drag queens (must have a family resemblence) To add to this, the queens had to do vogue choreography with there family memeber.
Lets see how they did (Vogue choreography first):

Detox's Vogue: 
Detox and her sister killed it. There vogue performance was so funny & you could tell that her sister was really enjoying it!

Alyssa's Vogue: 
Alyssa and her sisters choreography was so fierce and on point, i loved it. However, Alyssa's sister really didn't look like she was into it & she seemed so over it, which really put me off.

Roxxxy's Vogue: 
Proxy's grandmother looked like she was having the time of her life and i love it! However everything looked a little awkward and forced.

Katya's Vogue: 
Katya's mum looked really awkward for the whole performance which was really funny to me. The whole performance played on comedy in a way that really worked! It made me laugh quite a lot actually.

Alaska's Vogue: 
I couldn't find a gif of Alaska and her mum doing vogue (oops) However i can tell you that there performance was cheap and lack luster. Alaska's mum looked like she was enjoying it though!

Time for the main performances/runways: 
{Guess who's excited}

I will be ranking them from worst to best (in my opinion):

5th: Alaska
Both looks seemed very cheap to me. When i think of Alaska, i definitely don't think of this. However both of them looked fierce but not fierce enough for me.

4th: Alyssa Edwards
Alyssa looked fierce as hell but her sister just didn't look right to me. She was definitely not in it to win it. My biggest problem with the look was the red shoulder things (ew)

3rd: Roxxxy Andrews
Roxxy and her grandmother looked stunning. This is the best Roxxxy has done in a while and i can't find a flaw with the looks. 

2nd: Detox 
This was so good. They both looked so fierce! My only problem was that these dresses were both Marco Marco, meaning she didn't make them herself.

1st: Katya
Katya and her mum where AMAZING. The looks may have not been the most fierce but they told a story and it really worked. This is why we love Katya.

Ru Pauls decision:
Alaska: BTM3
Roxxxy: BTM3
Katya: High
Detox: Win
Alyssa: Eliminated (Detox's decision)

This is where i get angry:
1. Alaska acted like a big brat. It was disgusting to watch her act so childish and unprofessional. It was just embarrassing to watch.

2. Katya should have won the lip sync, the only reason Detox won was because she got her fake butt out again!

{When you know you can't beat Katya without a gimmick}

3. Rolaskatox is real this season. This became 100% clear after this episode as Detox kept Roxxy cause she is a "close friend", Detox obviously cares more about her friendship with Roxxxy more than the competition! This shows that she doesn't deserve to win the competition in my opinion!

{You can tell that Detox was really upset by her decision which did make me feel for her}

{But even Ru was sh00k by the decision}

What did we learn this episode?
  • Alaska can be a brat
  • Rolaskatox is real
  • Katya is the next Jinkx's Monsoon
Bye for now!

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